Notice from IUOE General President James Callahan

On November 10, IUOE General President James Callahan issued the following letter and directive:
Mr. Alan Pero
Northeast Regional Director &
International Supervisor IUOE Local 877Dear Sir and Brother:
I am writing to follow up on our recent conversations during which we discussed the current and future status of the International Supervision of Local 877. First, I would like to commend the time, effort, and resources that you and your staff have expended to help resolve the serious issues that caused Local 877 to have to be placed under Supervision. However, as we discussed, the skills and professional approach that you have exhibited during your management of Local 877 are also needed to address other pressing IUOE matters elsewhere in the Northeast Region.
Accordingly, I am adopting your recommendation, and I hereby direct you to appoint Brother Mike Cannistraro to the position of Assistant Supervisor to assist you in the continued service and representation of Local 877’s membership. I am also granting you the authority, when you deem it necessary and appropriate, to appoint an advisory board to act as the Local Union’s governing board until such time that the International can remove Local 877 from supervision and restore the Local Union to full autonomy. Please reiterate to the Local 877 membership my belief and commitment that the Local Union can, and will, be restored to full autonomy as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This notice and directive should be read to all members in attendance at the next regularly scheduled Local 877 membership meeting. Additionally, in order to ensure that all Local 877 members are properly notified, a copy of this letter should be posted on the Local Union’s website, and individual copies should be mailed to all Local 877 members.