Special Election Notice

Pursuant to the Constitution of the International Union of Operating Engineers and IUOE Local 877’s By-Laws, Local 877 members will choose delegates to attend the International Union of Operating Engineers 40th General Convention and to elect General Officers of the International.
Pursuant to Article III, Sections 3 and 5, of the IUOE Constitution, Local 877 is entitled to send 4 Delegates and 1 Alternate Delegate to the General Convention. Per Local 877’s By-Laws, the Business Manager, President, Recording-Corresponding Secretary shall be delegates by virtue of their election to their offices. Nominations for the remaining 2 delegates and 1 alternate delegate will take place at the membership meeting in January 2023. With the exception of those nominated without opposition, Delegates and Alternate Delegate will be elected by secret ballot at the membership meeting in February 2023.
Only members in good standing at the time of the nomination may be nominated for Delegate or Alternate Delegate. Any member who has not paid his/her dues and assessments within thirty (30) days after they become due will not be considered to have been in good standing. Since the nomination meetings will be held in January 2023, a candidate must have paid all monies that come due on December 1, 2022 no later than January 1, 2023 (the end of the thirty-day grace period). However, no member whose dues have been withheld by the member’s employer pursuant to a dues check-off provision at the time of nominations will be denied, by virtue of the non-payment of dues, the right to be nominated, to vote in the election, or to nominate or second a candidate.
Additionally, to be eligible, Article XXIV, Subdivision 1, Section (b) of the IUOE Constitution requires a candidate to have been continuously employed at the trade, or actively sought continuous employment at the trade, for the one-year period immediately preceding the month of nominations.
Conduct of Nominations
The Local Union President will preside over the Meeting, nominations which will be conducted from the floor. A nomination must be seconded to be valid.
If, at the conclusion of the nominations conducted, any nominee is unopposed, the Recording Corresponding Secretary will cast one ballot at the February 2023 Membership Meeting by which all unopposed nominees will be duly elected. For those races that are contested, if any, a secret ballot election shall be held at the February 16, 2023, Membership Meeting.
If a race is contested, the nominees will be advised of their eligibility by January 25, 2023. Any candidate, who has been declared ineligible may submit evidence to the Election Committee to support his/her claim of eligibility no later than 5pm on February 4, 2023. The Election Committee will make a decision as to eligibility within forty-eight (48) hours of reviewing the evidence.
Eligibility to Vote
A member must be in good standing at the time of the election in order to vote. Any member who has not paid his dues and assessments within thirty (30) days after they become due will not be considered to be in good standing. Since the election will be held in February 2023, a member will be considered in good standing if all monies that come due on January 1, 2023, are paid no later than January 31, 2023.